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edu/viewdoc/download?1. 1. 58repFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick Viewby J Luo Cited by 248 Related articlesA Survey of Inter Vehicle CommunicationJun Luo Jean Pierre HubauxSchool of Computer and Communication SciencesEPFL, CH 1015 Lausanne, SwitzerlandTechnical Report IC/2004/24AbstractAs a component of the intelligent transportation system ITS and one of the concrete applications of mobile ad hoc networks, inter vehicle communication IVC has attracted research attention from both the academia and industry of, notably, US, EU, and Japan. The most important feature of IVC is its ability to extend the horizon of drivers and on board devices e. g. , radar or sensors and, thus, to improve road traffic safety and efficiency. This paper surveys IVC with respect to key enabling technologies ranging from physical radio frequency to group communication primitives and security issues. The mobility models used to evaluate the feasibility of these technologies are also briefly described. We focus on the discussion of various MAC protocols that seem to be indispensable components in the network protocol stack of IVC. By analyzing the application requirements and the protocols built upon the MAC layer to meet these requirements, we also advocate our perspective that ad hoc routing protocols and group communication primitives migrated from wired networks might not be an efficient way to support the envisioned applications, and that new coordination algorithms directly based on MAC could be designed for this purpose. Short History Of Daytime Running LightsOne of the pervasive urban myths plaguing our highways and byways is the belief that daytime use of headlights reduces motor vehicle accidents.

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The law shall provide for accountability standards and the causes for their dismissal. Article 201. The social rehabilitation system shall be ultimately aimed at ensuring the integral rehabilitation of the persons sentenced for crimes, for their reinsertion into society, as well as protecting incarcerated persons and guaranteeing their rights. The systems priority is the development of the capabilities of the persons sentenced to exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities once they are released. Article 202. The system shall guarantee its end purposes by a technical body in charge of evaluating the effectiveness of its policies, administering the incarceration centers, and setting standards for complying with the purposes of the system. The board of directors of the social rehabilitation body shall be comprised of representatives from the Executive Branch and professionals who have been designated in accordance with the law. The President of the Republic shall designate the minister of State who shall chair this body. The security, technical, and administrative staff of the social rehabilitation system shall be appointed by the social rehabilitation body, after assessment of their technical, cognitive and psychological conditions. Article 203. The system shall be governed by the following guidelines:1.
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Any delegation of authority may be rescinded by the Board at any time in wholeor in part. Members of the Board of Governors,boards of trustees, other administrative and oversight boards, and employees ofthe University shall be considered State employees for purposes of Articles 31and 31A of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. To the extent that thePresident purchases commercial liability insurance coverage in excess of onehundred fifty thousand dollars $150,000 per claim for liability arising underArticle 31 or 31A of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, the provisions of G. S. 143 299. 4shall not apply. To the extent that the President purchases commercialinsurance coverage for liability arising under Article 31 or 31A of Chapter 143of the General Statutes, the provisions of G. S. 143 300. 6a shall notapply. The purchase of insurance by thePresident under this section shall not be construed to waive sovereign immunityor any other defense available to the University, the Board of Governors, boardsof trustees, other administrative and oversight boards, the President,University benefit plan administrators, and employees of the University in anaction or contested matter in any court, agency, or tribunal.
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