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1. Phil. Health and Medical Care Services: Claims on National Resources . Editor: C. Subburaman, Ph. D.
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This article was written by Mike Robinson. A developer at Lift in Reading, England, you can catch him on Twitter or occasionally blogging on his own site, akamike. Beyond the web, Mike is usually gaming or listening to progressive rock. I wouldnt advise anybody to get too caught up in finding an objective yes / no definitive usage of these tags as they are not designed as rules to follow but as coding assistants. If you spend any time looking at source code then youll see as many different implementations of HTML5 tags as you do sites that use them. Ive used HTML5 tags on various projects but whether you use divs or semantic tags really doesnt make any difference to your coding skills and it certainly wont matter one fig to your clientInfamously, a HTML5 shiv is needed to provide support for IE versions 8 and below. As HTML5 tags provide no practical value should we be adding a layer of JavaScript just so that we can be theoretically correct?It seems a bit daft to do so reallyNevertheless, I still believe it is important to be thorough, in order to apply the best possible semantic meaning to the document. From where I stand, the semantic idea of html is slowly changing. For a long time we relied on classes and ids to provide semantic meaning, I think those days are almost gone. Tags + microdata are all you need to enrich your documents with semantic data that other services/parsers can use. Classes and ids are still important, not as true semantic indicators, but as hooks for those who follow after the html phase the people cssing, javascripting or parsing your html in whatever way possible.
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Tambin ofrecemos informacin en espaol. Impact the World!Asburys reputation for academic excellence and spiritual vitality is spread far and wide. AUs rigorous liberal arts education is what employers seek and the University is focused on helping you impact the world by finding your part in God's plan. You will feel His presence and tight knit community when you visit campus. Youll never be just a number here, youll be part of a very successful, serving family. Unique Value!With academic, multicultural and guaranteed scholarships that's on top of state and federal aid the Asbury experience is an affordable reality. Graduation rates, retention rates and job placement rates are much higher than public schools in Kentucky, and thus AU is annually rated in the top 10% for Nationwide Best Value. Students are not required to bring their own computer to campus. The need varies by department and the area of study chosen by the student. Most departments neither require nor expect students to have their own computer. When a computer is required to complete class assignments, the computer labs on campus are readily available with all necessary software, printers, and scanners.