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They grow up believing that the world is out to get them, and they need to cleanse the world of bad people, by doing whatever is necessary. Many times serial killers claim it was divine intervention that forced them to kill, and blame the murders on either God or the Devil, or voices in their head. Serial killers come from all walks of life. They are not killing for gain, they kill to satisfy the urge within, or because they believe that they are doing the right thing. Are serial killers psychopaths?Yes most of them are. A psychopath is a person who doesnt believe in social norms, and ethical principles and is generally antisocial. These people seem to have a strange set of morals and logic in life. It has been ascertained that they are very shallow, charming, impulsive, have criminal ways of thinking, are violent and abusive and show these traits from a very early age. Serial killers are known to gain satisfaction through their behavior. The records of hundreds of serial killers indicate child abuse. Most serial killers are known to have suffered both mental and abuse in their childhood with their own parents being the perpetrators.

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An opportunity, like writing a personal or artist statement, oftencauses us to second guess every idea we ever had about our work. Weconvince ourselves that we have nothing, really, to say, or for certain,nothing of value. Our first instinct is to either turn off the light andhead out of the studio or office, or pump up our peacock feathers. But running away only confirms our unspoken fear: there must besomething to run away from. And pumping up encourages us to use flimsyor pretentious words to smother over our mistrust of language. This, inturn, fuels our perception that language related to our work is simplyludicrous. Luckily, there is an alternative. Try pretending, that you have a lotto say, which is neither self important nor trivial, but relevant andrevealing. Imagine that all of your objections have been met and you aresimply going to write whatever you believe to be true, at the moment,about your relationship to your work. Because, the good news is: you canrecover your own words. There is an unselfconscious language about your work, which you useall the time.