Funny Examination Answers
Working paper No 118. Greece: Digital Index publishers. Drake, P. P. n. d.

Examination Department Results 2018
Desai, Saahil. The Real Lesson of the College Closures. The Atlantic. com. 16 March 2020. Web.
Hobart College Course Guide
Ejecta containing rock fragments and dust is thrown out in the atmosphere. If the impact energy is too high, a partial amount of the rock might even vaporize. This vaporized and expelled dust will eventually settle down to form a blanket around the crater. The rock that is directly exposed to the impact will shatter and fragment into dust or even melt if the impact is powerful enough, creating a type of rock called breccia. Shock waves of compressional and expansive nature will travel around the crater, ultimately leading to the creation of central uplifted region. Fractures in the surrounding region might occur, with deposition of ejecta in concentric circles. About 66 million years ago, at the end of the Mesozoic era, at a point in time, often referred to as the Cretaceous Paleogene K Pg boundary, a cataclysmic event wiped out about 75% of the entire planetary species, including the non avian dinosaurs, who were until then, the apex predators. This mass extinction is now believed to have been orchestrated by the impact of a 10 Km size asteroid, that created the 180 Km diameter Chicxulub Crater, near the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. The energy released through the explosion is estimated to be about 100 teratonnes of TNT. This explosion energy was about a billion times the energy output of atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Evidence suggests that this cataclysmic impact ignited a series of natural disasters that eventually led to the mass extinction of many species of plants and animals on the planet.
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Such proactive mitigation capabilities resulted in a process that anticipates emergencies by protecting important segments of the supply chain with built in resiliency and levers to pull when a disruption happens. Cisco engineers do this by introducing:Product Resiliency by Design Ciscos product development teams and commodity management teams worked together to develop resiliency plans such as specifying alternate components in a bill of materials or creating buffer stocks of key components to mitigate risk. This allowed Cisco to design for resiliency upstream in the decision making process. When an executive directs product designers to undertake collaborative, cross functional actions to mitigate risk, management can more easily identify the risks inherent in overall operations and establish interoperable processes to mitigate those risks. Supply Chain Resiliency by Design Supply chain engineers undertook proactive efforts in the design and execution of the supply chain in terms of equipment, processes, manufacturing sites and external services, with a primary purpose of reducing the length of time and the extent of post disaster recovery necessary. The supply chain resiliency team worked closely with manufacturing operations, suppliers, logistics and transportation service providers and other stakeholders to identify nodes and supply chain processes that were outside risk qualification tolerances acceptable to Cisco. Working with these partners, the company developed resiliency plans for the extended supply chain too, as a routine part of the supply chain design process. To achieve effective transparency and resiliency, objective and comparable metrics were required. Cisco created an index to assess time to recover for all capabilities, including a supplier, product or particular supply chain design. This index comprises multiple categories: component 30%, supplier 20%, manufacturing 30% and test equipment 20%. These scores are reported semiannually to senior management by the general managers.
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Ruben, and Q. X. Sang. 49. H. I. Park,T. Kang, L. W. K. Chung, M.