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The jury highlighted his international visibility, and the strong impact of his work on Vienna as a scientific location. Meinrad Busslinger was recruited by the IMPs founding director Max Birnstiel as one of its first senior scientists in 1987. He is scientific deputy director at the IMP and professor in molecular genetics at the University of Vienna. His lab studies the processes by which transcription factors regulate the commitment of early hematopoietic progenitors to the B cell lineage and control their differentiation into mature B cells and plasma cells. Busslinger is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Academia Europaea, and recipient of several important research awards, including a Wittgenstein Award and the Virchow Medal of the University of Wrzburg. This is only the second time that a Preis der Stadt Wien is presented to an IMP principal investigator IMP emeritus director Barry Dickson received the honour in 2014.

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Examinations are carried out in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Thesis Examination Procedure. The supervisory team must declare any actual or perceived conflict of interest regarding examiners in accordance with the Universitys policies on conflicts of interest and ACGR Conflict of Interest in Examination Guidelines PDF 264KB. This site is aimed at all external examiners for taught programmes and is in addition to the External Examiner Procedures, the Universitys Quality Handbook and the programme level information the School will provide. During the Covid 19 pandemic, some changes have been made to the Universitys Quality, Monitoring and Enhancement Framework. The policies and procedures in the Quality Handbook should be read in conjunction with our Extraordinary Quality Handbook. This can be accessed by our current external examiners using their University of Southampton log on details.
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North Macedonia and Russia are located in completely completely different elements of Europe, which is likely one of the reasons your experience with a Russian and Macedonian bride can be so different. The two nations of women share some similarities, however they are additionally very totally different in crucial elements. Their quantity was slightly more than 1% only in Tuva 1. 8%, Udmurtia 1. 4% and the Altai Republic 1%. Lutheranism has been on a steady decline among Finnish and German ethnic minorities, while it has seen some Russian converts, in order that some historically Finnish church buildings, like the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria, right now have extra Russian than Finnish believers. Adventists, Baptists, Methodists and Pentecostals are of relatively latest introduction, having at most 120 years of history in Russia. As the trendy Bulgarian and Serbian literary languages took shape, Macedonians attempted to create a literary language based mostly on their speech, but Macedonian didnt receive official recognition until 1944. It is claimed that a Macedonian nationwide identification arose during World War II to maintain Yugoslavian Macedonia separate from Bulgaria, however there may be documentation that the development of a nationwide id was indigenous within the nineteenth century. In 2011, a group linked to the Russian Orthodox Church demanded a ban of the Bhagavad G?t?As It Is, the e book of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, in Tomsk Oblast, on cost of extremism. The case was finally dismissed by the federal decide on 28 December 2011.
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D. , and R. Vani, M. A. , M. Phil. , M. Ed. , M. A. , Ph.