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Target Demographic: Hispanic AmericansGender: As with most relationship driven sitcoms, more female than male. Geographic Location: Residents of Latin American dominated neighborhoods in Miami, New York, and Los AngelesAge Range: 20 something and olderEducation: high school to some collegeEthnicity: Latino, with heavily skewed towards CubansConservative/Liberal Status: Cubans tend Organization BehaviorEthics in MarketingEthics of MarketingEthics in MarketingIn order to realize themselves as socially responsible corporate entities, business organizations have to maintain a sound ethical track record in every aspect of their business Arnold 2009. They have to formulate their business policies and strategies in such a fashion that no societal values are exploited and no human being is harmed in any way Crane and Matten 2007. It is essential for organizations to keep themselves on the safest ethical path in their marketing, promotional, and general operational activities Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel 2012. It cannot only save them from severe criticism by their stakeholders, but also contribute towards a sustainable future in their industry. especting the ethical values and social norms of a society helps an organization in standing on competitive grounds among its competitors and strengthening its public image Abela and Murphy 2008.

Board Examination Essay
The pre revolutionary Jewish Encyclopedia writes that from the 1870s fewer voices were heard in defense of Jews in the Russian press. The notion of Jews allegedly united under the aegis of a powerful political organization administered by the Alliance Isralite Universelle was taking root in Russian society. Thus the foundation of the Alliance produced in Russia and possibly not only in Russia a reaction counterproductive to the goals that the Alliance had specified. If the founders of the Alliance could have foreseen the sheer scale of condemnations against the idea of worldwide Jewish solidarity and even the accusations of conspiracy which had erupted after the creation of the organization, they might have refrained from following that route, especially considering that the Alliance did not alter the course of Jewish history. After 1874, when a new military charter introducing the universal military service obligation in Russia came into force, numerous news article on draft evasion by Jews began fueling resentment against the Jews in the Russian society . The Alliance Isralite Universelle was accused of intending to care about young Jews leaving Russia to escape conscription enforced by the new law so that using support from abroad, the Jews would have more opportunities than other subjects to move out of the country. This question would arise once again precisely a century later in the 1970s. Cremieux replied that the mission of the Alliance was the struggle against religious persecution and that the Alliance had decided henceforth not to assist Jews trying to evade military obligation in Russia. Rather it would issue an appeal to our co religionists in Russia in order to motivate them to comply with all the requirements of the new law. Besides crossing the border, another way to evade military service was self mutilation. General Denikin who was quite a liberal before and even during the revolution described hundreds of bitter cases of the self mutilation he personally saw during several years of service at the military medical examination board in Volyn Guberniya.
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They are the best I've read about the feeling of the game so many other poets have tried to capture. ""As a young writer, when my English teachers would pass back our papers, all red marked to the nth degree, but with hardly anything positive written on them, I'd crumple mine up and throw it in the wastebasket," he says. "I'd think, 'I couldn't have done everything wrong. '"You've got to encourage young people," he says. "They eat it up. Maybe the handwriting isn't as good as it should be, but there's gotta be something good in here. "He started winning awards for his poetry in 1975. In 1988, he earned a master's degree in creative writing with an emphasis in poetry from Western Michigan University. "There's so much in life we have no control over," Torreson says. "I can take a few words and push them around and assert some control. "There's something about distilling a situation to its essence.
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In the 18th century, the philosopher David Hume wrote that one cannot derive an ought from an is, so that morals are emotional and cannot be proven true. Todays academic luminaries have thoroughly imbibed this emotivist perspective. For example, Stanley Fish holds that even though academics do exhibit morality by condemning cheating, academic fraud and plagiarism, there is no universal morality beyond this kind of local practice. Whatever its outcome, the debate over the rational derivability of ethical laws from a set of clear and certain axioms that hold universally is of little significance in and of itself. It will not determine whether ethics is more or less important in our lives; nor will it provide a disproof of relativism since defenders of relativism can still choose not to accept the validity of the derivation. Yet ethics must still be lived even though the knowledge, competency, skill or talent that is needed to lead a moral life, a life of virtue, may not be derived from any clear and certain axioms. There is no need for derivation of the need, for instance, for good interpersonal skills. Rather, civilization depends on competency, skill and talent as much as it depends on practical ethics. Ethical virtue does not require, nor is it sustained by, logical derivation; it becomes most manifest, perhaps, through its absence, as revealed in the anomie and social decline that ensue from its abandonment. Philosophy is beside the point. Based on much evidence of such a breakdown, ethics education experts such as Thomas Lickona of the SUNY's College at Cortland have concluded that to learn to act ethically, human beings need to be exposed to living models of ethical emotion, intention and habit.