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Exposure to an excess of sunlight actually makes the pineal gland smaller and lessens spiritual awareness,whereas darkness and high pineal activity enhance the keen intuitive knowledge of the subtle mind, while reducing the stress factor. Melatonin enhances and boosts the body's immune system,and those with high pineal secretion are less likely to develop diseases. High melatonin production heightens energy,stamina and physical tolerance levels. It is also directly related to sleep patterns,keeping the body temperately regulated with properties that operate through the cardiovascular system. Melatonin is, in fact,the body's most potent and effective antioxidant and it has positive mental and physical anti ageing properties. This valuable hormone is manufactured by the pineal gland through activating a chemical messenger called serotonin,which transmits nerve impulses across chromosome pairs at a point called meiosis. This is the moment when the cell nuclei are divided and the chromosomes are halved, to eventually be combined with other half sets upon fertilization. Pine resin was long identified with pineal secretion and was used to make frankincense the incense of priesthood. Gold, on the other hand,was a traditional symbol of kingship. Hence,gold and frankincense were the traditional substances of the priest kings of the Messianic line, along with myrrha gum resin used as a medical sedative,which was symbolic of death. In the ancient world, higher knowledge was identified as daathfrom which comes the word death.
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This, however, is not true. Many people do lose their hearing because of old age, but a number of people lose their hearing because of lifestyle choices they make today. SmokingPeople who smoke are far more likely to experience some degree of hearing loss as they age. This is something they can easily prevent by not smoking. Its bad for peoples health on so many levels that the best option is simply to quit smoking immediately. Children and young adults who are consistently exposed to secondhand smoke are even more likely to experience problems with their hearing as they grow up. Parents who smoke are putting their kids at risk for a number of health problems, including hearing loss. Almost everyone is aware that eating right is good for them. They can look and feel better by eating right. They can live longer by eating right. People who eat right have a lower risk of developing heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and even diabetes.
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The concept of travel desire leads to a state of general dissatisfaction if the desire grows, which is influenced by the external pull factors, the destination and its features, as well by internal factors like expectation. In the end, the most important and distinguishing feature of the theory is the differentiation between purpose and motivation. However, it needs to be noted that this model is a theoretical approach that is not tested yet. Therefore the relations and dependencies explained are only hypotheses, demanding further tests for validity. The author likes to conclude this chapter with a quote by Robert Louis Stevenson 1850 1894: I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for the travels sake. The great affair is to move. Precisely meeting the authors impression, after analysing the data and working out the theoretical scheme. Destination and travel reasons are less important than commonly believed; it is about getting away, escaping. This work is subject to limitations that put restrictions on the validity and further usage of the findings, in this case particularly referring to the developed theory. Consequently, a number of potential limitations to this work need to be acknowledged.
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