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On January 16, Stage 2 of the Mercer East Project will begin and eastbound traffic on Mercer St. will be re routed onto the new Mercer St. lanes north of the existing lanes. Three lanes of traffic will continue eastbound on Mercer St. with access to the I 5 on ramps and Fairview Ave. N. E. Womenscentrecalgary. orgWoods Homes 403 270 4102 Woodshomes. ca Community Resource Team 24 hr. 403 299 9699; Toll free 1 800 563 6106 Crisis intervention and support within communities, homes and schools.
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Steve HamelmanSince were in the middle, at best, of the crisis, there is little sociological, academic, or psychological literature on it. Data collection and conclusions based on case studies are months away. Statistical and anecdotal evidence is yet to be compiled and published. We teachers and administrators find ourselves in uncharted territory, casting about with trepidation but also with faith that common sense, diligence, and loyalty to our students will ensure safe passage. Blessings Not in DisguiseUnderlying this essay is the assumption that total online education cant hold a candle to the live, Socratic, performative classroom model. Online, I cant read and react to facial or body language, connect with an immediate voice, improvise as rapidly, work the physical area, circle the room, finesse, gesture, or feint. But it does neither my students nor me any good to harp on the deficiencies of digital, especially when one concedes the advantages digital does have over the material. As of now, the argument is moot anyway. No matter how hackneyed this may sound, a positive attitude goes a long way. We must make the best of the present moment, embrace the default medium, savor the gains rather than mourn the losses, and communicate optimism to our students. A sentence in an early email to all my classes summed up this theme: We must adapt to circumstances beyond our control and make the result equal to if not superior to the former model.
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Some also note that it removes signs of social rank and differentiation and thus encourages unity among the practitioners. Some Wiccans seek legitimacy for the practice by stating that various ancient societies performed their rituals while nude. One of Wiccas best known liturgical texts is The Charge of the Goddess. The most commonly used version used by Wiccans today is the rescension of Doreen Valiente, who developed it from Gardners version. Gardners wording of the original Charge added extracts from the works of Aleister Crowleys work, including The Book of the Law, especially from Ch 1, spoken by Nuit, the Star Goddess thus linking modern Wicca irrevocably to the principles of Thelema. Valiente rewrote Gardners version in verse, keeping the material derived from Aradia, but removing the material from Crowley. Other traditions wear robes with cords tied around the waist or even normal street clothes. In certain traditions, ritualised magic is performed in the form of the Great Rite, whereby a High Priest and High Priestess invoke the God and Goddess to possess them before performing intercourse to raise magical energy for use in spellwork. In nearly all cases it is instead performed in token, thereby merely symbolically, using the athame to symbolise the and the chalice to symbolise the womb. For some Wiccans, the ritual space is a space of resistance, in which the morals of Christianity and patriarchy can be subverted, and for this reason they have adopted techniques from the BDSM subculture into their rituals. Publicly, many Wiccan groups have tended to excise the role of magic from their image.
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