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The writing is good enough I turned the page, but I thought it was strange to start with history. The tale began with Sophies moms funeral. , which is back story, not current conflict Back story is the stuff we want to learn about as it comes up in the POV characters memory or in some other direct experience. Beginning with a funeral is tricky business, as the reader has not yet developed any affinity for the narrator. We dont know her yet, so how can we?If I were to recommend one thing for this book, and it is a minor one, I would suggest making a slight modification to the start of the book. Not that Ms. Faye asked me, BUT its my review and my chance to give my own humble opinion while helping authors, so here goes. This is what I would do. I ould take out the whole section about the mothers funeral and those feelings. THeyll all come up soon enough. HOWEVER, from that section, I would definitely certainly bring in moms box of secrets, as it is significant.

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It would be easier for us to contact other providers who were rated double A and ask them to submit an intentionally losing bid, Naeh testified. He sounded exactly like a mobster, talking about our guys and our friends. In some of the calls, jurors could hear the entirety of the dirty deals negotiated, including the bribe paid back to the broker. In one deal involving a bond for the Port of Oakland, California, Steve Goldberg of GE starts to ask his pal Stewart Wolmark of CDR what kind of kickback the broker wants for rigging the deal. Such conversations about payoffs were so commonplace that Wolmark doesnt even have to wait for Goldberg to finish the question:In his testimony, Wolmark explained that he was asking for a swap deal in return for rigging the bid. He wanted to know what we were going to get paid on the back end, Wolmark explained. In the call, Wolmark and Goldberg start haggling over the price of CDRs kickback. Wolmark tells Goldberg he only wants whats fair. Listen, Im not a chazzer, Wolmark says. Fans of the movie Scarface will remember Tony Montanas inspired translation of this Yiddish term: Thas a pig that don fly straight. Wolmark reassures Goldberg that as pigs go, hes a straight flier.
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Discrimination against people with disabilities happens across the transportation sector, he said, and Uber is just one of many that's had issues. Rather than criticize the ride hailing company, Coelho said he believes a better approach is to encourage best practices. "Those of us who are believers in the ADA and getting services for people with disabilities need to be aggressive with Uber to make sure they follow through," he said. Over the past year, Uber has offered new features for people with disabilities. One is called UberAssist, which lets passengers request a driver trained to accommodate disabled people. It's available in 10 cities in the US and in Australia.