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Teaching and learning argumentative reading and writing: A review of research. Reading Research Quarterly, 463, 273 304. The TCRWP curriculum across all areas fully embraces the research on the importance of teaching argument and places a strong emphasis on teaching students how to engage in argumentation and compose and evaluate arguments. We have studied learning progressions on supporting the development of argumentation in a think tank composed of a cadre of classroom teachers from grades K 8 as well as researchers from CBAL, the research arm of ETS and TCRWP staff. Through the learning of this group, in addition to advanced summer institute sections and study groups, the TCRWP developed argument protocols for arguing about texts as well as ways to weave argumentation across the curriculum. In 2013, the TCRWP held its first annual Argumentation Institute, where hundreds of participants came together to hone their argument reading and writing skills in order to launch and sustain the work in their classrooms. You can see evidence of the TCRWPs work around written argument in our Units of Study in Opinion/Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing A Common Core Workshop Curriculum for Grades K 8 which contain writing units which support students in how to craft strong, clear and sound opinions/arguments. As early as Kindergarten, students craft petitions, letters, and signs to tackle problems faced in their classroom, school, and even the world. As students move across the grades, the TCRWP writing curriculum extends their work with argument, providing students with multiple opportunities to engage in argument writing so they can develop a host of skills, which will empower them to take a stance and convince others to join their side. By the time they reach the upper grades, students ramp up their work in argument by writing research based argument essays in which they lift the level of their work, in line with the CCSS, learning how to consider different perspectives, and crafting powerful arguments based on carefully selected evidence, analysis, and rebuttal of counter claims. The TCRWP has designed an argument writing curriculum that is grade specific and positions students to progress along a path of development acquiring the essential argument skills needed, not just for college and career readiness, but to prepare students to be involved citizens who want to play a role in making the world a better place.

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ThaineBig Surprise, a compact 1911 not working?Anyone ever going to an IDPA match would know those pistols are. less than ideal. Buy American, a 5" 1911. What can I say, I guess Mr. Pincus isn't getting a sponsor from Kimber!By Pincus logic, if I cant run a marathon, i shouldnt try to run a hundred yard dash. A Colt Defender as a carry gun will have to fire 20 plus rounds before the user runs out of magazines. I am pretty confident my 9mm Defender can accomplish that task 100 percent of the time. I find it interesting in all this talk about recoil spring weights for these small ish 1911's, that no one ever mentions main spring weight. the mainspring, among other things, is what momentarily keeps the slide pushed forward into battery while it is cycling. said another way, the slide's rearward momentum has to overcome the hammer, and cock it in order to cycle. Well, from having a lot of experience shooting and teaching others to shoot I would have to say that I see poly/plastic guns more than anything else.
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In the same vein, in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus, where this study is focused, it seems that the introduction of a dress code was misinterpreted by the students to mean they should dress indecently. This is because what became obvious with students in this college after the introduction of this dress code was the alarming and arrant ways that they began to dress indecently. One is not however surprised because what is typical of most Nigerian administrators is always a wide gap between policy formulation and execution. Indecent dressing even though is not accepted as the normality, is seen to be gaining ascendancy. One then wonders what becomes of the society tomorrow with the caliber of students that are being trained. If rules are made for people, they suppose to be adequately informed why such rules are made. It is for this very reason that this paper attempts to counsel students about the cause and effects of dressing indecently as well as suggests solutions that could remedy the further spread of this immoral act on campuses of learning in Nigeria. Every culture according to Articlesbase. com 2011 has its dressing code that may vary according to cultures. Despite this variation, one thing is certain and that is that every culture has an acceptable dress code. So every dress code that deviates from the one acceptable to the community especially as it affects the set moral standard or judgment of the community is termed indecent.
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The idea here is to use essential oils way beyond their aromas really begin to exploit their true values of medicines. Lavender essential oil is the most widely used oil for several reasons. He works his magic aromatically, when they are ground applied and even when ingested in very small quantities not something to do with most oils. Generally, it can be considered as of soothing number oil aromatherapy. Its aroma reduces stress markers in research laboratory, and when applied ground there was a slight anesthetic effect. It has been published recently that a capsule containing approximately 2 drops of oil, when consume daily was as effective as drugs benzodiazepine reduce the mild to moderate anxiety . the has also ketones regenerative helps to heal skin and its main constituent is "Linalool", which was recently discovered to have anti cancer activity. You can use lavender to get a good night sleep, and is an excellent way to help your children to do the same. Nothing, you can obtain the clearest indication of aroma in the air will do put a few drops on the leaves on the wrists, or if it is too strong a perfume, even on your feet will work. Lavender that can be used directly on kitchen Burns and mixed with equal parts of tea tree for a soothing blend of fine antiseptic all. You can soup up your shampoo or a Packager by adding four drops by once to the bouteille.