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However, there are some beautiful poems as well that are less about being humorous, though they still may contain humor. One of my favorites, Star Stuff, begins with a quote from Carl Sagan and how we are made of star stuff because our DNA is made of nitrogen, iron, calcium, and other elements found in collapsing stars. Free Air: Poems by Joe Wenke is a fine collection to pass a warm, spring day reading in the sun. Stopping to chuckle at the lines or to reflect on the deeper meaning. But there is much more beneath the surface of these lines, as Wenke seeks to raise awareness about how free we really are and how finite the time we have is. Joe Wenke is a writer, LGBTQ activist and the founder and publisher of Trans ber, a publishing company with a focus on promoting LGBTQ rights, free thought and equality for all people.

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ii In the event that external applicants for the position of University Librarian are sought, the position shall be advertised in appropriate Canadian websites and publications, including the CAUT Bulletin and The Partnership Job Board. i Library Department refers to units within the Library with Department Heads performing delegated administrative responsibilities. ii Normally, only full time continuing track CUASA members of the Library at the rank of Librarian III or IV are eligible to serve as Department Heads. The term of office for a Library Department Head shall normally be five 5 years; however, the Hiring Committee as per div2 below may recommend to the University Librarian that a shorter term be offered. A Library Department Head may be renewed for a subsequent term, with the approval of the University Librarian. Prior to proceeding to renewal, a call for interest shall be made by the University Librarian following the procedures laid out in Article 9.
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M. class of 1920 Allegheny College, Old Allegheny A Handbook of Information. Containing a chronology of Allegheny College, general information including courses, costs, sports, fraternities, students who served in WWI, lists of college officers and professors, an alumni register from 1852 to 1920, and a roll of the class of 1921. Printed by The Meadville Tribune Publishing Company, 1921, 250 pages with pictures. Student Handbook of Meadvillle High School, written and edited by The Student Council, revised 1955. It has school history, school board, faculty, courses, rules, extra activities athletics, music, clubs, etc. , requirements, floorplan, time schedule, cheers, songs, everything a student needs to know. Softcover, 99 pages plus index, no publisher given. Szalewicz, Steve S. , Oil Moon Over Pithole A Story of a Phenomenon in an Oil Town. Softcover, 92 pages, illustrated with photos from the Mather Collection, signed by the author.
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