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Minimum Windows Computer Specifications Recommended Core I5 Processor or a minimum of Celeron Processor Recommended 8GB of RAM or a minimum of 4GB Recommended 250GB Hard Drive or a minimum of 128GBSome cheaper devices have a Hard Drive of less than 70GB and are intended for use with Cloud based storage so are unsuitable as they unable to have school software installedLearning with Technologies PortalThere are several options of Windows devices or Chromebooks to choose from, just follow the link below. elcome?Whilst we cant guarantee the supply or the exact price at this stage in the past they have varied from $50 to $140 we will take orders on a waiting list. Contact the College if you are interested. In order to best access student software and Internet resources in 2021 students are asked to provide their own laptop device for use in classes and at home. Newcomb Secondary College students will have access to a free of charge software suite of over 50 educational titles including MS Office 2016, Virus Protection and a variety of other subject related apps and software. This software will be installed free of charge and will be updated via our school network when logged on as a student. While at school student devices will access the school network via a wireless connection, requiring a security certificate to be installed by the school. Home network and Internet access is the responsibility of the student and their family. There are several options for families you can purchase your own device making sure it meets the specifications listed below, or use the Learning with Technologies portal link below or you can purchase a 2nd hand device from school. Some cheaper devices have a Hard Drive of less than 70GB and are intended for use with Cloud based storage so are unsuitable as they unable to have school software installedWe hope to continue to be able to assist families with 2nd hand laptops as an affordable option for the BYOD program as we are able to provide them at a very reasonable price. Whilst we cant guarantee the supply or the exact price at this stage in the past they have varied from $50 to $140 we will take orders on a waiting list.

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If that has not been done, the candidate must be given an extension adequate to rectify the deficiencies before a final decision on tenure is taken. i By November 15th of each year, the Dean shall constitute a Faculty Level Tenure and Promotion Committee via election. ii The faculty level committee shall be as broadly representative as possible of the teaching areas and ranks in the clusters as possible. The election shall be called by the Dean and a notice sent to all cluster Chairs. All non tenured and tenured members shall be eligible for nominations. It shall be constituted of:j Members elected to one of the cluster level committees shall not be eligible for election to the faculty level committee. Chairs of cluster level committees shall not cast a vote at the FTPC concerning an applicant if they have cast a vote on the candidacy of the same applicant at the cluster level. k All voting shall be by secret ballot. Abstentions, blank or spoiled ballots do not count for or against the candidate. If the committee has substantive questions regarding the dossier, the candidate shall be invited to respond in writing to the committees concerns. The Chairperson shall keep a record of the number of votes cast for and against each candidate, and the reasons for any no votes or abstentions.
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Thus the propulsion is provided at the pedals rather than at the wheel, being eventually applied to the wheel via the bicycle's standard drive train. Because the power is applied through the chain and sprocket, power is typically limited to around 250500 watts to protect against fast wear on the drivetrain. An electric mid drive combined with an internal gear hub at the back hub may require care due to the lack of a clutch mechanism to soften the shock to the gears at the moment of re engagement. A continuously variable transmission or a fully automatic internal gear hub may reduce the shocks due to the viscosity of oils used for liquid coupling instead of the mechanical couplings of the conventional internal gear hubs. E bikes use rechargeable batteries, electric motors and some form of control. Battery systems in use include sealed lead acid SLA, nickel cadmium NiCad, nickel metal hydride NiMH or lithium ion polymer Li ion. Batteries vary according to the voltage, total charge capacity amp hours, weight, the number of charging cycles before performance degrades, and ability to handle over voltage charging conditions. The energy costs of operating e bikes are small, but there can be considerable battery replacement costs. The lifespan of a battery pack varies depending on the type of usage. Shallow discharge/recharge cycles will help extend the overall battery life. Range is a key consideration with e bikes, and is affected by factors such as motor efficiency, battery capacity, efficiency of the driving electronics, aerodynamics, hills and weight of the bike and rider.
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